Thursday, May 15, 2008

And You Thought Maggie Was Crazy...

Let's admit it. At heart, Maggie's a pound dog. There's no denying it. We rescued her. Girl's got some issues. There are times when she's sweet and lovable and cuddly. There are times when she's a tad frightening and damn scary. I love her, but 90% of me adores her and 10% of me is terrified of her. We joke that the ghost of Helen Keller haunts one of our spare bedrooms, but truly, the ghost of something haunts Maggie.

Whenever we give the girl a treat or a bone, she trots lively into the office where she proceeds to chew it. And then the ghost steps in. Or so she thinks. She begins this ridiculously hilarious routine of barking at her own shadow or her own tail. It's absurd. Don't even think of going near her when she's got a chewy, or you're not likely to have your nose when you're done.

So when the boy sent me the link to this video, I nearly fell out of my chair. It was so reminiscent of Maggie, I had to post it. Enjoy. I did.

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