Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm all for staying healthy in the 2011 flu season. I keep hand sanitizer in my purse, albeit Clean Cotton scented from Bath & Body Works. I wash my hands and sing Happy Birthday twice before leaving the ladies room. I sneeze and cough into the crook of my arm. I take precautions; I'm no dummy.

Yesterday as I approached the DeCamp bus window to purchase my monthly, way overpriced tickets, I felt a tickle in my sniffer and felt a sneeze approaching! I quickly turned my head to the right and sneezed into my puffy coat. I didn't sneeze into my hand, so I pulled out my credit card and handed it over to the lady behind the 3 inch thick windowpane.

You'd have thought I drowned her puppy. If looks could kill I'd be six feet under. She grabbed at a Lysol wipe before picking up my Visa and wiped it down as if it were slathered in an Anthrax pudding. She handed me a pen using the Lysol wipe and immediately swiped it again when I handed it back to her. So rude.

Maybe she's a germa-phob but in my book she was a rude one.